Planning Your New Pool

Nothing will turn your backyard into THE place to hang out like a pool will. With a pool, you’ll be able to host all of your friends and family over for parties or get-togethers, and everyone will be having a great time. There are a lot of things you have to take into consideration when looking to plan a new pool for your home. At Patriot Pool Services, we’ve designed a lot of pools for homeowners in Maryland, and wanted to speak about a few things you need to think about when planning your new pool.

Ensure There are No Overhead Wires

Most homes receive their electricity from power lines, and many of these lines connect to the home via an overhead connection. Wherever you’re thinking about adding your pool, it’s imperative that there are no power lines above it. If there are power lines above the spot where you’d like to place your pool, you’ll either have to have the lines moved or pick a new spot for your pool.

Know Where Utility Lines are on Your Property

Just like with overhead wires, it’s also very important that you’re knowledgeable about your property’s utility lines. You’ll need to know how many there are, as well as where they’re located. This is information that any experienced pool builder will require to effectively provide their services.

Inground Swimming Pools Need to Be at Least One Hundred Feet from Bodies of Water

If your inground swimming pool is too close to a body of water like a lake or river, when it rains, the water could flood into your pool. Additionally, the closer you are to a large body of water, the higher the water table will be. If the water table is too high, we won’t be able to dig down, and won’t be able to install a swimming pool there.

Pools Need to Be Placed on Flat Areas

Pools need to be installed on flat areas, so if the area you’d like to place your pool is already flat, you’re in good shape. If the area isn’t flat, you may have to have the ground reshaped and leveled out, or may need to have some retaining walls installed, before the spot is ready to place a pool. Trying to put a pool on unlevel ground without any retaining walls is dangerous, as the pool could end up sliding down, and it could cause damages depending on what is in its path.

Get Help Planning Your New Pool From an Experienced Pool Design and Construction Company in Maryland

Trying to plan your new pool by yourself or with an amateur is practically an impossible project. Just one thing has to go wrong, and you have a pool that leaks water on your hands. You can avoid a lot of issues, and save yourself a lot of time, money, and headaches, by working with a professional pool design and construction company in Maryland. Our team of pool experts have been helping homeowners in Maryland plan their pools for years, and can help you too!